The West Virginia Association of School Nurses, Inc. (WVASN) is the only professional organization dedicated solely to West Virginia’s school nurses and the students that they serve. WVASN exists to promote and advance the quality of school health services and health education throughout the state and to advocate for the advancement of West Virginia’s school nurses.

WVASN remains COMMITTED to school nursing in West Virginia as outlined in the WVASN Strategic Plan.

  • WVASN will promote the practice of school nursing in West Virginia by assisting West Virginia school nurses in developing and utilizing evidence-based practices to promote health and wellness in students and staff.
  • WVASN will advocate and promote that all students have access to a full time certified school nurse all day, every day as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the NASN.
  • WVASN will work to strengthen the association and to provide the structure and leadership for advancing school health in West Virginia.

School nurses who are registered professional nurses in compliance with the requirements to be school nurses in the state of West Virginia and having, as their primary assignment, the administration, education or provision of school health nursing in the state may choose the Active membership type when joining. Retired school nurses may elect to continue their Active membership type by paying the Active type fee. 

Visit the Join WVASN web page for other membership types and ways to join WVASN.

WV Scenery Photo of a Bridge