These are the standing committees as designated in the WVASN By-Laws. These chairpersons are appointed yearly by the WVASN President. Each chairperson must be an association member in good standing and must have been a member for a minimum of two years. Anyone who is interested in serving on a Committee should contact the Committee chairperson.
Monitors health policies and laws and advocates for school health and school nursing while keeping members informed.
Brenda Isaac, MA, BSN, RN, NCSNChairperson
Kanawha County
Britney Brogan BSN, RN, CSN
Lincoln County
Maintain and increase membership in WVASN and NASN and keeps accurate list of current members in the associations.
Judy McCune, MSN, RN, NCSNChairpersonBerkeley County
jamccune@k12.wv.usCrystal Foley, BSN, RN, CSNKanawha County
Works closely with Convention Chairperson to plan for meetings and speakers.
Kristin Stover RN, BSN, MS, NCSN
Jackson County
Coordinates with various colleges/universities for graduate credit hours as a WVASN educational offerings. Provides CEU certificates to participants of WVASN educational offerings.
Diana Simmons, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN Co-Chairperson
Taylor County
Promotes research, develops the procedure to select the School Nurse of the Year; reviews and awards grants for further education.
Jessica Thomas BSN, RN, NCSN, CLC
Monroe County
Maintains financial records, account payable and receivable; Prepares and maintains yearly budget.
Amy Carlstrom, BSN, RN, CSNChairperson
Monongalia County
Develops, monitors and revises the WVASN five year Strategic Plan and monitor its progress.
Mindy Liller, BSN, RN, NCSN
Mineral County
Works closely with Program Chairperson to plan banquet, displays, registration, hospitality, awards, etc.
Tammy Riding, BSN, RN, NCSN
Marshall County
Paige Moffitt MSN, BSN, CNP, RN
Submits candidates for officers and nominating committee to be considered at the annual general meeting.
Tonya Fields BSN, RN, NCSN
Hampshire county
Jan Smitley, BSN, RN, CSNCo-chairperson
Pleasants County
Assist in preparing and issuing all electronic communications, updating and maintaining Association website, and promoting public awareness of WVASN activities.
Melinda Embrey BSN, RN, PCN, CSN
Tiffany Frame, MSN, RN, CSN
Wetzel County
Vacant Position Coordinator- School Health Services
WVDE Division of Federal ProgramsOffice of Student Support and Well-beingCharleston, WV