The WVASN/NASN vision is that all students are healthy, safe and ready to learn.
The WVASN/NASN mission is to optimize student health and learning by advancing the practice of school nursing.
ENGAGE school nurses in 21st Century Practice.
- Advocate for environments that allow school nurses to practice at full scope and to prioritize school nurse wellbeing, resulting in positive student outcomes.
- Equip school nurses with evidence-based resources, tools, and programs focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Facilitate school nurse expertise by addressing population health; assessing social determinants of health; accessing evidence-based literature; using technology and advancing student health equity.
- Promote and advance the West Virginia School Nurse Needs Assessment and facilitate its inclusion into NASN’s National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts!
PURSUE health, education, and social equity for students through shared leadership.
- Advocate for quality systems level school health services for all students, including funding.
- Secure strategic partnerships in pursuit of upstream changes that enhance student health, safety, and education.
- Facilitate school nurse knowledge and influence to build a culture of health through shared leadership in disaster/emergency planning, climate and environmental health in schools and communities where students live, learn, play, and work.
- Collaborate with organizations to integrate and understand school health services in addressing social influencers of health and education on a student population level.
SECURE foundational school health evidence.
- Engage school nurses in the collection and utilization of school health data to make informed decisions.
- Establish a school nurse practice of evidence-based data collection, research, and educational offerings.
- Expand partnerships with community organizations, including universities, that collect health-related data on children and youth to coordinate efforts and advance student health.
- Invest in the development of innovation and evidence-based research to promote best school health practice.
Revised: Spring 2025